
1_RoHS Certification 1

RoHS Certification

2_CE Certification 1

CE Certification

3_FCC Certification 1

CE Certification

4_CEC,DoE Certification 1

CEC / DoE Certification

5_EEC Certification 1

CEC / DoE Certification

6_Certificate of Patent 1

Certificate of Patent

7_Certificate of Trademark Registration 1

Certificate of
Trademark Registration

8_Venture Business Confirmation 1

Venture Business Confirmation

9_Gold-prize-44th-Salon-International-Des-Inventions-Geneve 1

Gold Prize 44th Salon International Des Inventions Geneve

10_Gold-Prize-Silicon-Valley-International-Invention-Festival 1

Gold Prize Silicon Valley International Invention Festival

11_Gold-prize-Seoul-International-Invention-Fair-2016 1

Gold Prize Seoul International Invention Fair 2016

제 2015155296 호_1

Certificate of R&D Department

13_Certificate of Recommandation Preferred Purchase of Outstanding Inventions 1

Certificate of Recommendation Preferred Purchase of Outstanding Inventions

certificate of product specific approved exporter

Certificate of Product-specific Approved Exporter

15_Grand-prize-Incheon-Start-up-Contest 1

Grand Prize Incheon Start-up Contest

16_Grand Prize SUNY Korea Pitching Day 1

Grand Prize SUNY Korea Pitching Day

17_Certificate of Endorsement 1

Certificate of Endorsement

18_Certificate of Business Registration 1

Certificate of Business Registration

24_커트렉스 디자인 등록증




CE DoC_CX40000F45W

CE DOC_CX40000F45W